Planning Applications
Parish councils have the right to make comments on planning applications affecting their area. A summary of the most recent planning applications in the parish will be published here. Further details can be found on the District Council website planning applications search page
Planning Aid - Material Planning Considerations
Financial Year 2024/25:
Homestead Farm, Hempnall Road, Woodton. Ref: 2024/3377. Proposal: New storage building. Status: Pending consideration.
Four Winds, Chapel Hill, Woodton. Ref: 2024/2941. Proposal: Proposed single storey extensions to the front and rear of the property. Decision: 11th November 2024, Approval with Conditions (Delegated).
Land North of Beechbank, The Street, Woodton. Ref: 2024/2938. Proposal: Removal of condition 2 and 8 of planning permission 2023/0161 - tree report. Status: Pending consideration.
Laurel House, Chapel Hill, Woodton. Ref: 2024/2827. Proposal: Single storey rear extension including internal alterations. Decision: 30th October 2024, Approval with Conditions (Delegated).
Albion Barn, Norwich Road, Woodton. Ref: 2024/1201. Proposal: Addition of a second mobile glamping cabin. Status: Pending consideration.
Financial Year 2023/24:
Land East of Chapel Hill, Woodton. Ref: 2023/2771. Proposal: Residential development of up to nine dwellings and associated infrastructure. Application Type: Permission in Principle. Decision: 10th November 2023, Refusal (Delegated).
Land South of Church Road, Woodton. Ref: 2023/1386. Proposal: Residential development for 50 dwellings with parking, landscaping and open space. Decision: 21st November 2024, Approval with Conditions (Development Management Committee).
Wyndicot, Church Road, Woodton. Ref: 2023/1260. Proposal: proposed loft conversion. Single storey rear extension & two storey side extension. Decision: 1st August 2023, Approval with Conditions (Delegated).
Parish Councils have the right to make comments on planning applications affecting their area.
The planning authority (which is usually South Norfolk Council) allows a Parish Council 21 days to respond to a planning application.
Members of the public are encouraged to provide their own comments on South Norfolk Council's planning pages. Guidance with regards to commenting on an application can be found on District Councils website.
Whilst the overall decision is the planning authority’s, the Parish Council’s local knowledge, combined with an understanding of the planning process, means that its views are more likely to be heard by the planning authority, so long as the Parish Council provides valid planning ‘material considerations’.
The Parish Council’s comments can be found on South Norfolk Council’s planning pages.