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Parish Council Newsletters
Latest Newsletter - Autumn 2023 Newsletter
Woodton United Charities
Woodton United Charities (Registered Charity Number 207531) is a trust that provides grants for people, living in Woodton, whose current circumstances would allow them to benefit from financial assistance.
We are particularly interested in hearing from people in the following groups:
Disabled people, or their carers
Young people embarking on an apprenticeship or a course in further/higher education
If you live in the village and would like to be considered for a grant, please contact Cllr Ian Butler on 01508 482451, i.butler.afrog@btinternet.com.
Bedingham is one of our nearest neighbours. Since 1894, the Bedingham electors have governed themselves through a Parish Meeting. Parish Meetings are the only example of direct democracy in the UK, something Bedingham jealously guards. All electors are entitled and welcome to attend the twice-yearly meetings and decide such matters as the precept and the rent of the ‘Parish Piece’ (about 2 acres of grazing available to let every spring, not restricted to Bedingham residents.